Monday, July 12, 2010

Day 23 - Laurel Hill St. Pk. to Richelle & Tim's House, OutInTheBoonies, OH (outside Springfield)

How fantastic it was to have our destination be the home of some long-time friends. Richelle is a friend of mine from my "previous life" when I lived in San Diego. I've only seen her once in about 20 years so this was definitely a treat. Her husband, Tim, is a fantastic guy who has good taste in women! He's lucky because his lovely wife has good taste in beer! Richelle and Tim had invited over some family members to share in this little reunion and partake of some good BBQ, good beer, good fireworks and good times.

It was so nice to have a captive audience to listen to some of our stories of being on the road. Guys, I hope I didn't bore you and monopolize the conversation too much. :-) It's plainly obvious that this road trip will provide fodder for conversation for years to come.

Dylan was in heaven being able to set off some of his fireworks. He set them off for about an hour and didn't even really make a dent in his stash. We will be having a good time in Reno with all these. It wasn't just Dylan setting off fireworks, either! Mother Nature decided to put on her own show with a good supply of lightning bugs in the back yard and real thunder and lightning in the sky above. Great evening!!!

1 comment:

  1. So very neat that you were able to catch up with them! Love the pictures and isn't Stacy's little girl just gorgeous???
